Fatima Shaik

Dallas Therapy Collective

Fatima Shaik, Psy.D.


Licensed Psychologist

Psychotherapy with adults

$175/55-minute individual; Aetna, BCBS, Out-Of-Network Provider








Does this sound like you?

Another day, another version of you. You live according to the rules of the world and try your hardest to do everything right. Maybe you’re living up to your family’s expectations of you today. Maybe it’s time to pretend you’re living a great life around your friends, colleagues, neighbors… And hey, your life is fine honestly. Yeah, some bad stuff has happened in your life, but others have it worse, right? You can deal with these feelings and no one needs to know that you’re struggling.

In fact, the image of yourself that the world sees is not really you, so would anyone truly care if you did share how you’re doing? You can’t ignore that gut feeling that if people knew the real you, they would run. Surely the real you is too messy and strange for others to like or even understand. So, you hide your true feelings and pretend everything is alright, often until it all becomes overwhelming and you feel out of control again.

Maybe you can’t stop crying or maybe you pull away from everyone and just live on autopilot. Usually, you can pull it together and get back to your deadlines and chores and routines, but maybe some of the chaos is spilling out now. Your old way of handling things is not cutting it, and maybe the frustration has you thinking there’s another way. And here you are, taking the first step to healing.  


Can Therapy Help?

Therapy is a place where you can talk about all the things we have been taught to ignore. You can express the thoughts and feelings that make you feel unworthy of love or happiness and I will meet you with transparency and empathy.

Therapy can help you manage big feelings and can empower you to deal with the ups and downs of life. This may look like better coping skills, a more aligned sense of who you are in the context of your life experiences, finding a supportive community, or creating change in your life and relationships. Together we can build confidence, inner peace, and clarity. We can better understand who you are today and work towards the person you would like to be tomorrow.

How I can help…

Your experiences, identities, relationships, and culture all play a part in who you are today. My goal is to understand you as a whole person so I can help you help yourself. I hope to create a warm, safe space where you can lay down the pretenses of the world and just be you—the real you. I will guide you by example and bring my whole, genuine self into the therapy room so we can connect as real people with all the differences and similarities we hold.

You are stronger and more resilient than your fears, and our work together will focus on uncovering those strengths. We will do this by optimizing the things you already do to care for yourself and creating new ways of coping. We may do this through mindfulness practice, learning distress tolerance skills, leaning on cultural strengths, fostering supportive relationships, processing your past, or otherwise exploring the roots of your present struggles. I may share insights or challenge the ways you continue to be stuck. I may guide you in identifying the thoughts, feelings, behaviors, or relationship dynamics impacting your present.

There is no wrong time to enter therapy and I aim to meet you wherever you are in your healing journey. I believe in Health at Every Size and welcome conversations about race, gender, sexuality, disability, and any other identity that is important to your lived experience.   

When I’m not at work…

You can find me reading or writing fiction, watching horror movies or Korean dramas, and singing along to Desi ballads. I also enjoy spending time with my family and FaceTiming friends who are scattered all over the Midwest/West Coast.


  • Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology, Wright State University (2023)
  • Psy.M. in Clinical Psychology, Wright State University (2020)
  • B.S. in Psychology, Ohio State University (2017)

My Full Specialties Include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Equity and social justice issues
  • Relationship concerns
  • Body image/disordered eating concerns
  • Relationship and sexual violence
  • Spiritual identity and spiritual abuse
  • Trauma recovery
  • Sexual identity
  • Gender identity
  • Family of origin issues
  • Self-compassion
  • High Sensitivity
  • Clinicians in training

Reach out directly to Fatima

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